Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Facts About Spaying and Neutering

Sad but true – Ireland has a large population of unwanted dogs and cats. Most of these homeless animals end up being destroyed. The procedure is performed humanely, but it is tragic nevertheless. You can help combat this terrible problem by spaying or neutering your pet.  The procedure not only helps control the dog and cat population, but it can also improve your pet’s health and increase its lifespan.   

Did you know that one cat can have an average of five kittens three times a year?  Once the kittens reach maturity, they have kittens of their own, and the cycle repeats itself endlessly. The results of such unrestricted breeding are staggering -- a single cat can have 500,000 descendants in only 7 years!  Likewise, one dog, her puppies, and their puppies can produce more than 60,000 puppies in 6 years.

Both spaying and neutering are surgical procedures that require a general anaesthetic.  The animal is in the hospital just for the day.  Spaying is the removal of the reproductive organs in females, while neutering is the term for males.  Pets should be spayed or neutered at 6 months of age -- before females have their first heat, and before males start wandering after females in heat. 

Spaying female pets eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers, uterine infections, and greatly decreases the risk of breast cancer.  It also stops females from going into heat, which occurs twice a year in dogs and three or more times a year in cats.  When a female is in heat, unwanted male visitors can become pests. 

Neutering male pets eliminates the risk of testicular cancer, and greatly reduces the risk of prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. Neutered cats will not spray to mark their territory, and they become more affectionate and less likely to roam..

Unfortunately, there are many old wives’ tales concerning spaying and neutering. One such belief is that the procedure will cause your pet to grow fat and lazy.  The truth is, any pet can become a couch potato if over-fed and under-exercised.  Another false belief is that females should have at least one litter before spaying.  In fact, spaying females before their first heat avoids the life-threatening complications that can occur during pregnancy or delivery. It also protects your pet’s health later in life.  And contrary to popular belief, spaying and neutering will not affect a dog’s instinct to protect its home and family. 

Many people think spaying or neutering is too expensive.  However, the cost is small when compared with the benefits.  Having a litter of puppies, for example, can be very costly, especially if the pups or mother suffer health problems.  Treatment of later cancers or uterine infections in the mother can be even more costly. All in all, the cost of surgery is a small price to pay to improve the health of your pet and prevent bringing more unwanted kittens and puppies into the world.


  1. Very informative and helpful! Thanks!

  2. I had a great time reading this one. Thanks for the information.

  3. When it comes to pets, many owners often neglect a critical aspect of pet ownership, which is emergency preparedness. Animals are
    very spontaneous and curious creatures that are quick to get themselves in trouble by consuming something hazards or by engaging in something dangerous. Knowing how to respond in a situation where an animal's life is in danger is important. Also, many animals are victims to illness and accidents just like humans are, so being financially prepared can lessen any burden associated with emergency care.

    Vet Sherborn MA
